Wolfville's Wellness Clinic: Naturopathic Medicine, Massage Therapy & Matrix Repatterning
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Wolfville's Wellness Clinic: Naturopathic Medicine, Massage Therapy & Matrix Repatterning
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Dr. Joline Boudreau,
Naturopathic Doctor, RN, BScN
Dr. Boudreau, ND, RN, BScN is “Medically trained. Naturally focused ,” with diverse experience as first a Registered Nurse in Nova Scotia and now as a licensed Naturopathic Doctor. In addition, Dr. Boudreau, ND, holds licensing with Acupuncture, Manipulation and Naturopathic Injection Therapies. Dr. Joline, ND focused in Sports Medicine and Pain Management at the Schad Naturopathic Clinic while completing her Degree of Doctor of Naturopathy at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) in Toronto.
Dr. Joline, ND creates an individualised treatment plan after an extensive intake which includes, but is not limited to, your health history, your surgical history, a review of pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals, a review of your bloodwork results and specific physical examinations. Treatment plans can include but are also not limited to additional testing such as hormones, allergies, and others TBA as well as vitamin B12 intramuscular injection(s); trigger point acupuncture; nutraceutical recommendations and lifestyle changes.
Dr. Boudreau, ND acts per the Guiding Principles of Naturopathic Medicine:
“Do No Harm; The Healing Power of Nature; Identify and Treat the Cause; Treat the Whole Person; Doctor as Teacher; and Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.” Furthermore, she approaches treatment(s) with the most current evidence-based research, the naturopathic medicine therapeutic order and managing patient care by applying the principles of Clinical Nutrition (including nutraceuticals); Counseling and Health Psychology; Homeopathy; Pharmacotherapy; Physical Medicine; and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Working with Dr. Joline, Naturopathic Doctor means working with the most current evidence-based research, following the naturopathic medicine therapeutic order and highly managed patient care by applying the principles of Clinical Nutrition (including nutraceuticals); Counseling and Health Psychology; Homeopathy; Pharmacotherapy; Physical Medicine; and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
(Vitamin & Mineral)
assessment and protocols
Testing & Treatment
For: Hormone, Allergy, Lyme, SIBO,
Heavy Metals + more
Treatments addressing Fertility
and Menstrual Health
B12 Injections for energy
B12 Intramuscular Injections
for pain and repair
Acupuncture for pain relief and specific symptom-related protocols
(fertility, sleep, energy, etc)
SIBO Breath Test
Small Intestinal Bacteria Growth
Food Sensitivity
IgG Food Sensitivity Panel
Allergy Testing
Food, Inhalent & Components Panel
Dutch Comprehensive Hormone Testing
Take hormone testing to a whole new level!
Urine Toxic Elements
Provoked Heavy Metal Test
Comprehensive Neurotransmitter Profile
Urinary neurotransmitter testing
Mold and Toxin Exposure
Measures expose of mold or toxins that affect health
AOR MyBluePrint
Your DNA, your health
Armin Labs Lyme Disease
Armin Labs is a german laboratory that specializes in chronic infection diagnostics
GI Microbiome Testing
Are YOU ready to work
with Dr. Joline, ND?
Book your initial appointment here online
or call High Tide Wellness for details.
Are naturopathic doctors covered by insurance?
What is the difference between a naturopathic doctor and a homeopath?
What are naturopathic doctors?
1. Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors. National Awareness Campaign info - Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors. Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors -. Published October 7, 2016. https://www.cand.ca/national-campaign-members/
2 & 3. Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors. Guiding Principles - Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors. Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors -. Published May 25, 2023. https://www.cand.ca/guiding-principles/

High Tide Wellness
Unit #122 - 112 Front St. Wolfville, NS
*2 Doors Down from EOS Natural Foods - sidewalk entrance
Office phone/text: 902-300-5842
High Tide Wellness © 2023